Thursday, December 17, 2009

Moving Day (Updated 4 p.m. Thursday)

Cubby is recovering well. He's also sleeping a lot, which makes dad a little jealous.

Good news. We've moved from the Pediatric ICU to the Intermediate care wing on the seventh floor. This is a big development in his recovery, and means that he's stable and on the road toward discharge from the hospital. We hope this may happen Saturday or Sunday. Saturday also just happens to be dad's birthday, and the only gift I'd like to receive is my healthy son in my home. Dad misses his Cubby bear, it hasn't been the same around the house the last two nights.

As an aside, Supermom stayed with him in the P-ICU room last night. I was tossing and turning in our bed, and realized that I couldn't sleep without the constant hummmmmm of the baby monitor. So I went in his room, flipped on the monitor, and went back to bed with silence coming from the receiver. It wasn't normal, but it was as close to normal as I could get at the time. And it worked.

His home for the next couple of days is next door to the room where we were taken the day before surgery. I can't help but think about everything that has happened in just the last week. Exactly seven days ago we were in the surgical clinic going over the procedure with the talented men that would be operating on our son. Three days ago we were being admitted into the hospital for open heart surgery on our son. Today we're in recovery and he appears to be himself more and more as the hours go by.

The Lord works in mysterious ways, indeed.

I can't even begin to thank our friends and family that have been so generous with their time, their prayers and well-wishes, and concern for our son. Many of those friends and family only know him through pictures, e-mail, and this blog. We look forward to a day very soon where he will get to meet (and thank) you all.


  1. I check back every chance I get(many times to day!) to see how things are going. I'm glad to hear that Cooper is responding so well. My prayers have been many for all of you. I hope to meet Cooper aome day and give him a big hug and tell him some fun stories about his Dad :-) Love and hugs to all!

  2. Thinking of you guys. I started to cry when I saw the pic of Coop with the tubes. :( Let me know when you might get to come home, otherwise plan on me coming to the hospital to see the Overockers on Saturday!! Love you guys!

  3. Fabulous news! I'm so glad to hear that all is well. Prayer is powerful!

  4. He is looking great!! Hope your birthday wish comes true Jamie. Preston loved that he could see Cooper!


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