In the last blog post I promised pictures to show just how much our little Cubby has grown over the last month. We took him in to the pediatrician yesterday, and our little bundle of joy now weighs 8 lbs 8 oz., which is a full three pounds over his birth weight. Needless to say, he eats well. Anyway, I thought I would post the pictures week-by-week. Enjoy.
As you can clearly see, the boy is growing like a weed. I've always heard parents say they grow up too fast; now I truly understand what that means.
Many thanks to everyone that voted in the poll. Most everyone agrees it was gas that caused Cubby to smile. My personal thanks to the two people that voted for the blog.
Let's talk about why I have decided to refer to my handsome little man as "Cubby" and why that nickname seems to really fit these days. It all started when SuperMom was still expecting. Whenever she would feel irritable and short-tempered, I always joked that she was starting to show some "mama bear" instincts. Maybe you've seen the nature shows where the bear cubs are playing and creating mischief, then the mama bear makes a noise or paws at them and they fall in line? I guess you could compare it to a slap upside the head.
I have no idea why that popped in my head, but it did, and when we were discussing nicknames I said I would call him "Cubby" because SuperMom = Mama Bear, and Cooper = Cubby Bear.
**I would like to dispel the rumor that I chose the nickname because I am a big fan of a certain baseball team in Chicago. It is purely coincidental.**
Last week SuperMom accompanied Cubby to the pulmonologist. Our pediatrician recommended RSV shots, and wanted us to take him in to get on the list. So we did. We're not sure why, and we plan to ask next week when we see the good Doctor. Anyway, the nurses weighed him and Cubby tipped the scales at 8 lbs 4 oz. He was born at 5 lbs. 8 oz. My little man is apparently a competitive eater. In case you are scoring at home, that's 2 lbs and 12 oz. gained in a little under a month. It might be average, but it sure seems like a lot.
You might be wondering what the video above has to do with this post. When Cubby eats, or wants to eat, he makes these little grunts, groans and growls. I joke with SuperMom that the Tiger Cub is hungry, because that what he sounds like---a Tiger/Lion cub.
Sometimes he doesn't want to wait and will try to eat his hands or anything else that comes close to his mouth. This includes his pacifier, my finger, or even SuperMom's lip (she was kissing him on the cheek the other day and he tried to eat her face).
My next post will be photos to show just how much he's grown in a month. He'll be 1/12 of a year old tomorrow, which happens to coincide with the first K-State football game of the year (and the return of a certain legendary head football coach to the sideline). He'll be wearing his purple, you can bet on that.